• ITTLLDC meets with the delegates of the ITC, UNDP and EBRD

    Apr 5, 2023 | 9:50 am

    Mr.Dulguun Damdin-Od, Executive Director of ITTLLDC participates in the first preparatory meeting of the World Export Development Forum 2023 scheduled to be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in days of 26-29 June 2023 as ITT

  • Welcomes online internship

    Feb 17, 2023 | 2:19 pm

    The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) is pleased to welcome Mr. Angelo Groza as an intern in this year’s internship program. The Secretariat of ITTLLDC is very excited to have him b

  • Welcomes Online Internship

    Feb 10, 2023 | 12:15 pm

    The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) welcomes Ms. Cora Smith as our newest addition to our online internship program! We are looking forward to her input and contribution to our orga

  • MoU was signed with the Maritime Administration of Mongolia

    Jan 31, 2023 | 10:18 am

    The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries and the Mongolian Maritime Administration under the Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support

  • 4th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the ITTLLDC was held

    Jan 31, 2023 | 9:43 am

    The 4th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Think Tank for LLDCs was organized virtually on the 13th of January, 2023. The Board of Governors was briefed on key issues and core documents related

  • Highlights of 2022

    Jan 4, 2023 | 12:20 pm

    International Events attended - Annual report of the ITTLLDC 2022 https://youtu.be/injisSE5LzE

  • Highlights of 2022

    Jan 4, 2023 | 12:14 pm

    Events organized in 2022 - Annual report of the ITTLLDC 2022 https://youtu.be/BL-BN1eaZo4

  • Highlights of 2022

    Jan 4, 2023 | 12:09 pm

    Bilateral Meetings - Annual report of the ITTLLDC 2022 https://youtu.be/i0xj_l67_Rg

  • Briefing member states

    Jan 4, 2023 | 12:02 pm

    On December 09 2022, the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries met with 2 member states. ITTLLDC Executive Director Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od briefly informed the activities of the think tank for the y

  • ITTLLDC takes part in the Study Tour

    Jan 4, 2023 | 12:01 pm

    ITTLLDC participates in the Study Tour Program for the Mongolian youth organized by the YOUTHinc.mn - Монгол Залуу Мэргэжилтнүүдийн Нийгэмлэг and introduces the issues of landlockednes

Contact itlldc

Email: thinktank@land-locked.org

Tel: +976-11-351971

Fax: +976 11 322127

visit ittlldc headquarters

UN House

United Nations Street-14

Sukhbaatar district

Ulaanbaatar 14201


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