LLDC Dialogue in Mongolia

Apr 14, 2011 | 12:00 am

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High-level Asia-Pacific Policy Dialogue on the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action and other Development Gaps faced by the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs)

Jointly organized by
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Government of Mongolia

12-14 April 2011
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

1 Opening Remarks by Minister G. Zandanshatar
2 Keynote Address by PM at LLDC Dialogue
3 Opening Statement of Noeleen Heyzer LLDC Dialogue
4 Intervention by Vice-Speaker N. Enkhbold
5 Statement by Minister Battulga LLDC Dialogue
6 NDIC on MDGs LLDC Dialogue
7 Intervention by State Secretary J. Bat-Erdene
7A Presentation by State Secretary J. Bat-Erdene
8 Intervention by Director G. Jargalsaikhan LLDC Dialogue
8A Presentation by Director G. Jargalsaikhan LLDC Dialogue
9 Intervention by D. Tsogtbaatar on International Cooperation
10 Closing Statement by D. Tsogtbaatar
11 Closing Statement by Noeleen Heyzer
12 UB Declaration by State Secretary Undelivered
13 ESCAP Press Release
13 Ulaanbaatar Declaration LLDC Dialogue
14 Press Conference Topics D. Tsogtbaatar
ESCAP Press Release
