Visiting our partner Unis in Australia #5

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News in CAMGIS
Research Seminar

By Mr. Erdenetsogt Odbayar

Title: Importance of the ICT sector for the development efforts of Land Locked Developing Countries

Mr. Erdenetsogt Odbayar (Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries)

When: 20th March, 12pm-1pm

Where: CB11.06.408.FEITSeminarRoom

In this talk, Mr Odbayar will introduce the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) which is an intergovernmental institution headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Following this, he highlights the importance of the ICT sector for the development efforts of LLDCs. He will also discuss the efforts of LLDCs to overcome and close the digital gap in relation to the growing importance of research in the ICT area.

Mr. Erdenetsogt Odbayar earned his bachelor degree and MA in international relations from the University of Dresden, Germany in 2006 majoring in North American Cultural Studies, Political Science, Philosophy and minoring in Economic and Social History. From 2003-2004, he was a guest teacher at Davidson High-School, in Sydney Australia. Mr. Odbayar held multiple positions, as desk officer for Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg in the European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia during 2006-2007, as attaché in European Department and Secretary of the Mongolia-EU Joint Committee during 2007-2009, as third and first secretary in the Mongolian Embassy, Berlin during 2010-2011, and as first secretary in Department for Americas and Africa during 2011-2012. Mr. Odbayar has been working as the Interim Director of the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries since 2012, the first and only intergovernmental organization that is dedicating its work to the special needs and challenges facing LLDCs. In 2018 Mr. Odbayar was elected and appointed as Executive Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs by the Board of Governors comprising of the representatives of all member states. Under his supervision and leadership, the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries published several publications, including: “Multilateral Trade Negotiations and LLDCs: A handbook for negotiators and practitioners”, “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal”, “Rethinking Regional Integration for Landlocked Developing Countries” etc. As a result of Director Odbayar’s leadership and commitment, the Multilateral Agreement for the Establishment of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries has entered into force on 6 October, 2017 legally establishing the first-ever intergovernmental institution headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as well as establishing the first ever Intergovernmental Institution of the Group of LLDCs’ at the United Nations.

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United Nations Street-14

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Ulaanbaatar 14201


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