Under-Secretary General and High Representative for the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS receives Ambassador at-Large and Interim Director E.Odbayar in New York.

Oct 4, 2017 | 5:47 pm

Today, on October 4, 2017 H.E. Ambassador-at-Large ODBAYAR Erdenetsogt met with Under-Secretary General and High Representative for the Least developed countries, Landlocked developing Countries and Small island developing states Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa Utoikamanu at the United Nations HQ.

H.E. Utoikamanu congratulated Mr. Odbayar and the entire team of the ITT for LLDCs for their hard work over the past 5 years and congratulated the International Think Tank for becoming an full fledged International Organization.

The USG acknowledged and appreciated the active and persistent work of the International Think Tank for LLDCs with the member states calling on them to join the multilateral agreement on the establishment of an INTERNATIONAL think tank for LLDCs as well as the valuable research work that was published by the International think tank for LLDCs for policy debate among LLDCs.

H. E. Utoikamanu also expressed her readiness to support the ITT for LLDCs during the transition period from the interim management period to full operation and funding joint activities and research projects in the future to come.

Finally she expressed her readiness to further support and cooperate with the International think tank in the future to come.

H.E. E.Odbayar congratulated H.E. Utoikamanu on her assignment to the position of Under-Secretary General and High Representative for the Least developed countries, Landlocked developing Countries and Small island developing states and briefed her on the recent activities and publications of the ITT for LLDCs and handed over copies of 5 research papers that was conducted and published by the ITT for LLDCs just recently.

H.E. E.Odbayar underlined the importance of high quality research for LLDCs and offered ITT for LLDCs publications for joint events to be utilized.

Both sides also agreed to explore opportunities to join forces in 2018 for the Inauguration meeting of the International Think Tank in Ulaanbaatar.
