The objectives of the Programme

The specific goals and objectives are:

(a) To promote unfettered, efficient and cost-effective access to and from the sea by all means of transport, on the basis of the freedom of transit, and other related measures, in accordance with applicable rules of international law;

(b) To reduce trade transaction costs and transport costs and improve international trade services through simplification and standardization of rules and regulations, so as to increase the competitiveness of exports of landlocked developing countries and reduce the costs of imports, thereby contributing to the promotion of rapid and inclusive economic development;

(c) To develop adequate transit transport infrastructure networks and complete missing links connecting landlocked developing countries;

(d) To effectively implement bilateral, regional and international legal instruments and strengthen regional integration;

(e) To promote growth and increased participation in global trade, through structural transformation related to enhanced productive capacity development, value addition, diversification and reduction of dependency on commodities;

(f) To enhance and strengthen international support for landlocked developing countries to address the needs and challenges arising from landlockedness in order to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development.