The ITT for LLDCs held a meeting with Secretary of the Commission, a.i Office of the Executive Secretary, UN-ESCAP

May 17, 2016 | 7:56 am

Mr.Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Interim Director,  on May 16, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Mr.Odbayar E. formally thanked the Office of the Executive Secretary for organizing the 72nd session of the UN-ESCAP with the special focus on the Landlocked developing countries.

Mr. Odbayar also expressed his gratitude to Mr. Hsieh, for his continuous support and understanding with which he approaches initiatives and activities of the ITT for LLDCs being organized at ESCAP.

He also took the opportunity to express his appreciation for the continued support extended to the ITT for LLDCs for organizing the High-Level Luncheon for Representatives of the Asian Landlocked Developing Countries for the second time at the UN-ESCAP.
