The International Think Tank for LLDCs welcomes its newest member state – Republic of Niger

Nov 1, 2018 | 1:35 pm

The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries welcomes and congratulates the Government of Niger for becoming member of the International think tank.

The Republic of Niger has signed the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries on 26th September 2011 and submitted its instrument of ratification to the UN Treaty section on 17th October 2018 therefore becoming the 13th member state of the ITT for LLDCs.

Over the past 6 years the ITT for LLDCs reached out to the Government of Niger and held several meetings around the globe on Niger´s participation in the activities of the ITT for LLDCs and the advantages and benefits for the country.

For more information related to the accession process of member states visit the official site of the UN Treaty Collection.

UN Treaty section