The International Think Tank for LLDCs signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CESD-Center for Economic and Social Development of Azerbaijan

Feb 23, 2017 | 5:20 pm

On February 22, 2017 International Think Tank for LLDCs signed a MOU with Center for Economic and Social Development of Azerbaijan in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The MOU signals a commitment by both institutions to increased international co-operation.

Both institutions started negotiations in 2015 during the visit of Mr. ODABYAR ERDENETSOGT. M.A. to Baku.

MR.SANSAR SOSORBARAM, Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, Desk officer for Azerbaijan visited the Center for Economic and Social Development of Azerbaijan today and met with the Chairman of Board of CESD Dr. VUGAR BAYRAMOV.

During the meeting the Memorandum of Understanding was finalized and signed.

ITT for LLDCs will provide CESD with up-to-date information on its programmes and support the promotion of interests of LLDCs including Azebaijan as a LLDC. CESD will also maintain regular communication with ITT for LLDCs staff and provide info on its activities.


MOU negotiations started. 2015 BAKU

From left:
Dr. VUGAR BAYRAMOV, Chairman of Board of CESD, MR. ERDENETSOGT ODBAYAR Interim Director of the ITT for LLDCs



MOU signed. 2017 Baku

From left:
MR.SANSAR SOSORBARAM, Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, Desk officer for Azerbaijan, Dr. VUGAR BAYRAMOV, Chairman of Board of CESD