Sub-regional Workshop by UNCTAD and ITTLLDC succesfully organized in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Oct 22, 2018 | 4:17 pm

Sub-regional Workshop on “Fostering Structural Transformation and Export Diversification in Selected Asian Landlocked Developing Countries” was jointly organized in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 16 to 17 October 2018 by the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries, UN Conference on Trade and Development and the Government of Mongolia.

During the workshop, the International Think Tank for LLDCs, in cooperation with UNCTAD, introduced research results on structural economic transformation and export diversification, which is identified as Priority 5 in the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs.

Government representatives from Mongolia, Lao PDR, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan made presentations on the challenges, policies and best practices to diversify their economies.

The outcome of the workshop will help guide trade policy formulation and implementation at the national and sub-regional levels. It will contain a synthesis of the identified areas of trade potential, local gaps and limitations, together with policy recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges facing countries of the sub-region.

The results of the workshop will also feed into the mid-term review of the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs in 2019.

Ази тивийн далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа зарим орны эдийн засгийн бүтцийн өөрчлөлт ба экспортын төрөлжүүлэлтийг дэмжих бүс нутгийн семинар Улаанбаатар хотноо зохион байгуулагдав

Далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын Олон улсын судалгааны төв /ДГХБО-ын ОУСТ/ Монгол Улсын Гадаад Харилцааны Яам болон НҮБ-ийн Худалдаа, хөгжлийн бага хуралтай хамтран 2018 оны 10-р сарын 16-17-ны өдрүүдэд Улаанбаатар хотноо “Ази тивийн далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа зарим орны эдийн засгийн бүтцийн өөрчлөлт ба экспортын төрөлжүүлэлтийг дэмжих нь” сэдэвт бүс нутгийн семинар зохион байгуулав.

Тус семинараар ДГХБО-ын Олон улсын судалгааны төв НҮБ-ын Худалдаа, хөгжлийн бага хуралтай хамтран ДГХБО-ын Венийн үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөрийн 5 дахь тэргүүлэх зорилт болох эдийн засгийн бүтцийн өөрчлөлт ба экспортын төрөлжүүлэлтийн нөхцөл байдал Азийн далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудад ямар байгаа талаарх хийсэн судалгааны үр дүнг тагнилцуулав.

Энэхүү семинарт хамрагдаж буй Монгол, Казахстан, Кыргыз, Узбекистан, Лаос, Бутан зэрэг орнууд өөрсдийн эдийн засгийг төрөлжүүлэхэд учирч буй саад бэрхшээл болон авч буй арга хэмжээ, сайн туршлагаасаа танилцууллаа.

Семинарын үр дүнд үндэсний болон бүс нутгийн түвшинд худалдааны бодлого боловсруулах, хэрэгжилтийг удирдан чиглүүлэхэд дээрх ДГХБО-д дэмжлэг үзүүлэх бөгөөд худалдааны чадавх, хоцрогдол, хязгаарлагдмал байдал болон бүс нутгийн улс орнуудад тулгарч буй саад бэрхшээлийг даван туулахад чиглэсэн бодлогын зөвлөмжүүдийг гаргах юм.

Мөн тус семинар нь 2019 онд НҮБ-аас олон улсын хэмжээнд зохион байгуулагдах Венийн үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөрийн дунд хугацааны биелэлтийг хянах хуралдаануудад бодитой хувь нэмэр оруулах юм.

08:30 – 09:20 Opening Session

08:30 – 08:40 Welcoming remarks: H.E. Ms. Battsetseg Batmunkh, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the International Think-Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries.

08:40 – 08:50 Introductory Remarks: Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

08:50 – 09:00 Introductory Remarks: Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

09:00 – 09:10 Introductory Remarks: Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief, Policy Coordination, Development, Monitoring and Reporting Service; Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States.

09:10 – 09:20 Introductory Remarks: Mr Andrey Kuleshov, Strategy and Development Advisor, Common Fund for Commodities

09:20 – 11:00 Session I: Productive Capacities, Structural Economic Transformation, Export Diversification & Employment

09:20 – 09:35 Fostering Structural Economic Transformation, Diversification and Employment Creation: Mr. Patrick Osakwe, Chief, Trade and Poverty Branch, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries, and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

ppt: UNCTAD – Mongolia_Divers_Employment

09:35 – 09:50 Challenges and opportunities for LLDCs in integrating in Regional and Global Commodity Value Chains: Mr. Mussie Delelegn, Chief, Landlocked Developing Countries Section, ALDC Division, UNCTAD

ppt: UNCTAD – Challenges and opportunities for Asian LLDCs in integrating in to Regional and Global Commodity Value Chains

09:50 – 10:05 The role of the International Think Tank for LLDCs in facilitating policy-discussion on Structural Economic Transformation, Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

ppt: Presentation ITTLLDC VPoA

10:05 – 10:20 Challenges in fostering Structural Economic Transformation and Diversification towards Graduation from the LDC category: Mr. Sonam Tenzin, Department of Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bhutan

ppt: Tourism & ICT Development of Bhutan

10:20 – 10:35 The role of fostering Productive Capacities in achieving graduation: the case of Lao PDR; Mr. Sengphanomchone Inthasane, Director of Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR / Mr. Keopaseuth Chanthaphim, Deputy Director of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lao PDR

ppt: Lao Role of fostering productive capacity in acheiving graduation_Laos as of 15 Oct 2018

11:15 – 13:00 Session II: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects for selected Asian LLDCs to diversify out of the Energy Sector

11:15 – 11:30 Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects for selected Asian LLDCs to diversify out of the Energy Sector: Mr. Mussie Delelegn, Chief, Landlocked Developing Countries Section, ALDC Division, UNCTAD

ppt: UNCTAD – Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects

11:45 – 12:00 Developing Tourism and the ICT sector in Bhutan; Mr. Ugyen Dorji, Chief of Division, Department of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bhutan

ppt: Tourism & ICT Development of Bhutan

12:00 – 12:15 Fostering Economic Diversification into Agri-business, Manufacturing and Tourism in Kazakhstan, Mr. Dauren Muratbekov / Mr. Danabek Kerimrai, Ministry of National Economy, Kazakhstan

12:15 – 12:30 Supporting the textiles, tourism and agriculture sectors in Uzbekistan; Mr. Anvar Khakimov, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Uzbekistan

ppt: Supporting the textiles, tourism and agriculture sectors in Uzbekistan3

14:30 – 16:00 Session III: Diversification, Trade Logistics, and Trade Facilitation as tools for development in Asian LLDCs.

14:30 – 14:45 Structural Transformation and Economic Diversification: The Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Success Stories for Landlocked Developing Countries; Mr. Andrzej Bolesta, Economic Affairs Officer, Landlocked Developing Countries’ section, UNESCAP

ppt: Bolesta – presentation – Mongolia-Oct-2018 – Structural Transformation

14:45 – 15:00 Impact Financing in the Commodities Sector – Opportunities and Prospects in the Asian Region. Mr. Andrey Kuleshov, Strategy and Development Advisor. Common Fund for Commodities

ppt: LLDC Mongolia CFC impact financing (ID 18271)

15:00 – 15:15 Trade Facilitation and Commodity Diversification in Mongolia, Ms. T.Battsetseg, Deputy Director of Foreign trade and Economic cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, Alternative member of the Board of Governors of ITT for LLDCs Mongolia

ppt: Trade Facilitation and Commodity Diversification in Mongolia

15:15 – 15:30 Trade facilitation and Trade Logistics: The case of Lao PDR, Mr. Sengphanomchone Inthasane, Director of Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR / Mr. Keopaseuth Chanthaphim, Deputy Director of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lao PDR

ppt: Trade Facilitation in Lao PDR

15:30 – 15:45 Diversification, Trade Facilitation and Trade Logistics: The case of Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Turugmbek Doronbekov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kyrgyz Republic / Ms. Meyer Kumenova, Investment Promotion and Protection Agency of Kyrgyz Republic

ppt: Diversification, Trade Facilitation and Trade Logistics – The case of Kyrgyz Republic

Day 2 (Wednesday, 17 October 2018)

09:00 – 10:30 Session IV: The Productive Capacities Index, and the performance of Asian Landlocked Developing Countries

09:00 – 09:15 Introductory remarks on the concepts of productive capacities and structural economic transformation and their role in development of LDCs: Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

09:15 – 09:30 Policy options and instruments on how to build and utilize productive capacities: Mr. Patrick Osakwe, Chief, Trade and Poverty Branch, UNCTAD

ppt: UNCTAD – Mongolia_ProdCap_Instrument

09:30 – 09:45 UNCTAD’s Productive Capacities Index, and the performance of Asian LLDCs; Mr. Mussie Delelegn, Chief, LLDCs section, ALDC Division, UNCTAD

ppt: UNCTAD – Productive Capacities Index

09:45- 10:00 Transport Infrastructure as a key component of productive capacities in LLDCs; Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief, Policy Coordination, Development, Monitoring and Reporting Service; OHRLLS

ppt: OHRLLS_Productive Capacity and Infrastructure_Diversification workshop

10:45 – 12:30 Session V: Policy Conclusions and the Way forward

10:45 – 11:00 UNCTAD’s contribution to the Mid-term Review of the Vienna Programme of Action: Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

11:00 – 11:15 The Mid-Term Review of the Vienna Programme of Action: Priorities for LLDCs, with a focus on Asian LLDCs; Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief, Policy Coordination, Development, Monitoring and Reporting Service; OHRLLS

ppt: OHRLLS_REVISED Midterm Review of VPoA_Diversification workshop

11:15 – 11:30 Policies and Measures to support Diversification and Structural Transformation in Asian LLDCs, Mr. Mussie Delelegn, Chief, Landlocked Developing Countries Section, ALDC Division, UNCTAD

11:30 – 11:45 International Support Measures for LLDCs: The way forward; Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

11:45 – 12:00 Substantive Issues arising from the Asia Regional Expert Meeting on the Mid-term Review of the Vienna Programme of Action; Mr. Andrzej Bolesta, Economic Affairs Officer, Landlocked Developing Countries’ section, UNESCAP

ppt: Bolesta – presentation – Mongolia-Oct-2018 – VPoA Summary

12:30 – 13:00 Closing Session

12:40- 12:50 Closing Remarks: Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

12:50 – 13:00 Closing Remarks: Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

Summary Outcome and Recommendations of the workshop

Short  video on sub-regional workshop