Meeting #6 Ambassador-at-Large Erdenetsogt Odbayar and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bhutan, H.E.Ambassador Kinga Singye held a follow up meeting in Geneva.

Mar 27, 2017 | 11:39 am

It is the first meeting between Mongolia and Bhutan after the successful official visit of H.E. Ts. Munkh-Orgil, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia to the Kingdom of Bhutan in December 2016.

H.E.Ambassador Kinga Singye informed the Mongolian side that Bhutan is undertaking necessary steps to accede to the multilateral agreement and expressed his certainty about a timely accession of Bhutan to the agreement as soon as both chambers of the Bhutanese parliament and his Royal Highness approves it.

Ambassador E.Odbayar expressed his readiness to support respective officials in Bhutan to provide necessary documents concerning the agreement and answer necessary questions concerning the ITT for LLDCs of needed.


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