Meeting #4: International Think Tank for LLDCs meets Kingdom of Lesotho

Mar 27, 2017 | 11:18 am

Ambassador-at-Large Mr.Erdenetsogt Odbayar met with Permanent Representative of Kingdom of Lesotho, Mr. Moshe Neo Kao in Geneva.

Mr. E.Odbayar briefed Mr. Moshe Neo Kao on recent activities of the ITT for LLDCs, upcoming publications including ongoing research Projects implemented in association with the University of Sydney for LLDCs and handed over copies of the letters sent by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lesotho calling on the Kingdom of Lesotho to accede to the Multilateral agreement for establishment of the International think tank for Landlocked developing countries.

Permanent representative Mr. Moshe Neo Kao expressed his appreciation to the Government of Mongolia for its leadership in the cause of the LLDCs and wished Ambassador Odbayar and his entire team at the ITT for LLDCs every succes in their future endeavors.



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