Launching event of the study on “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal”

Jun 9, 2017 | 4:07 pm

We welcome you to our next event in Ulaanbaatar

Launching event of the study on

Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs:

Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal

The event aims at promoting the latest product of the International Think Tank, “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal”. This report was prepared by the experts of the ITT for LLDCs with the kind support of the Austrian Embassy. During the launching event, the report will be introduced to the Mongolian stakeholders by the ITT for LLDCs.

The event will take place on

12 June, 2017, from 16:00 until 17:30 at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consensus all

We sincerely hope that You or Your representative will be able to participate in the event we organize.

We would appreciate very much if you could confirm your participation to Mr. Davaadorj (351971, If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the ITT for LLDCs.


Concept note
