Launching event of the study on “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal”

Jun 15, 2017 | 12:35 pm

Launching event of the study on “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal” was successfully organized by the ITT for LLDCs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia on June 12, 2017.

The event opened by Mr. Davaasuren D., State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and H.E. Dr. Irene Giner-Reichl, Ambassador of Austria to Mongolia, gave a welcoming speech.

The event aimed at promoting the latest product of the International Think Tank, “Bilateral Transit and Transportation Agreements of LLDCs: Benefits and Bottlenecks – Case India and Nepal”. This report was prepared by the experts of the ITT for LLDCs with the kind support of the Austrian Embassy. During the launching event, the report was introduced to the Mongolian stakeholders by the ITT for LLDCs.



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