Sep 17, 2018 | 10:36 am

“Fostering Structural Transformation and Export Diversification in Selected Asian Landlocked Developing Countries

(UNCTAD) and the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) as part

of a capacity-building project to promote structural transformation and export diversification in energy-exporting LLDCs in Asia.


Although, the developing and promoting export-oriented high-value-added industries and energy self-sufficiency were on the development agenda of most of LLDCs for years, the actual results are far from being profound in most
of LLDCs. Economy of most of LLDCs is still based on primary industries, with raw materials and low-value added commodities of mining and livestock origins dominating the exports, while being virtually dependent on a single market. Thus, in-depth investigation and understanding the current situation along with exploring further opportunities will be essential for both the policy makers and business community.

This workshop is one of the series of regional and sub-regional workshops organized by the UN arganizations and
ITT for LLDCs in order to collect data for the inputs to the upcoming mid-term review of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing countries. We are planning to encourage participants from selected LLDCs to
discuss the process of implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action in their Countries as well challenges on
a way of its implementation.

The outcome of the meeting will help to guide trade policy formulation and implementation at the national and sub-regional levels. It will contain a synthesis of the identified areas of trade potential,
local gaps and limitations, together with policy recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges facing countries of the sub-region. These can also serve as input to the forthcoming Midterm Review of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) for the

Decade 2014-2024.


a) Share the findings and conclusions of case studies by UNCTAD on export diversification outside of the energy
sector in selected Asian LLDCs, and the results of market mapping of new products with export potential;

b) Assist countries in the sub-region to put in place policies and strategies to exploit existing export potential in identified sectors;

c) Share successful experiences and best practices regarding export diversification strategies; and

d) Foster sub-regional cooperation with the view to promote export diversification, regional trade, trade facilitation

and integration.

How to register

By invitation and by registration at; Cc:

Phone: 11-351971

Language English (simultaneous translation will be provided)

Co-organizer: ITT for LLDCs-International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

Time of event TBA