ITTLLDC addresses LLDC Ministerial Meeting

Sep 29, 2023 | 12:30 pm

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Executive Director of the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od attended the 22nd Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries, held on September 21, 2023, in New York.

During this meeting, Mr. Dulguun shared his insights on critical issues and highlighted areas that are vital for landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) such as air transport development and capacity building. He emphasized the pivotal role of air transport infrastructure in promoting economic growth and fostering global connectivity among these nations. Mr. Dulguun’s remarks underscored the potential for improved air transport networks to reduce trade barriers and promote global cooperation. In addition to air transport, he stressed the immediate need for tailored capacity-building initiatives designed to empower LLDCs. These programs aim to equip these nations with the skills and knowledge necessary to optimize their transport and logistics systems effectively.

A noteworthy proposal from Mr. Dulguun was the concept of establishing an infrastructure development fund. This innovative idea aims to mobilize resources and investments dedicated to strengthening the infrastructure and logistics capabilities of LLDCs. Such a fund holds the promise of accelerating progress in connectivity and trade facilitation, ultimately leading to economic growth and prosperity.

These discussions took place in the context of the upcoming Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3), scheduled for 2024. The conference’s goal is to comprehensively review the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs for the Decade 2014-2024 (VPoA) and formulate a renewed framework for international support. It seeks to address the unique challenges faced by LLDCs while strengthening partnerships with transit nations and development partners.

This year’s Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of LLDCs served as a crucial pre-conference event, providing valuable inputs that will shape the outcomes of the LLDC3 Conference. Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od’s active participation and forward-thinking proposals reflect ITTLLDC’s dedication to advancing the interests of LLDCs. These discussions mark a significant step toward addressing the specific needs of these nations on the global stage, promising a brighter future characterized by improved connectivity and enhanced economic opportunities.