ITT for LLDCs and ESCAP study – “E-Resilience: Mongolia case”

Oct 13, 2015 | 10:20 am

Mongolia is one of the coldest countries in the world and affected by most harsh natural disasters (drought and “dzud” severe winter with heavy snow). This report will examine the current development of information and communication technology (ICT) and its infrastructure, services and applications in Mongolia while focusing on their role in disaster risk management (DRM) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) to prevent from natural disasters by providing early warnings. As given importance to the concept of e-resilience, i.e. the development and utilization of ICT systems to provide early warnings, prevent from natural disasters as well as its ability to resist and recover from natural disasters. Also, the study will raise questions about the quality of performance and lack of infrastructure development of ICT and backbone infrastructure in Mongolia in order to identify priorities for future infrastructure deployments and to provide guidance for policymakers, Government institution related with DRM and citizens etc.

For example, there is great need for actions towards preparedness and development of resilience including ICT and its usage in DRM.

  • In terms of ICT, there is a major digital divide between urban and rural areas, although ICT development is on a considerable level. Of course there is still room for improvement of networks and extension of these networks to remote areas of Mongolia.
  • Also, there is ample necessity to enhance DRM knowledge and education of citizens, residents of remote areas on e-resilience and DRM as well as DRR.
  • The Government of Mongolia should take into consideration that the effectiveness of the utilisation and integration of Information and Communication Technology to its policies regarding disaster risk reduction and management activities and consider investing more into that sector.
  • Government should consider providing more financial and technical support to facilitate necessary technology for ICT development towards universal access in order to facilitate early alerting systems throughout the country.

Building e-resilience – Enhancing the role of ICTs for Disaster Risk Management (DRM)