International Think Tank welcomes Ms. Blanka Caletková, new member of the ITT for LLDCs team

Mar 21, 2017 | 4:04 pm

The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT for LLDCs) is pleased to announce its new member of the team – Ms. Blanka Caletková, who joined the ITT as a UN Youth Volunteer, fully funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Ms. Caletková was one of the six participants in the UN Youth Volunteers program from the Czech Republic for the year 2017.

Other participants were sent to Zambia, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Vietnam and Cambodia, which are all partner countries of the Development Cooperation Strategy of the Czech Republic.

For the previous 20 years Mongolia has been one of the priority “programme” countries of this Development Cooperation. Building up on friendly and mutually beneficial decades-lasting relationship between the Czech Republic and Mongolia, the volunteers have been coming to the United Nations in Mongolia since 2006.

In total 7 volunteers have already been sent to work in different agencies of the UN in Mongolia.

As a UNV in Economic Development and Trade, Mrs. Caletková will provide support to project implementation of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, conduct research work in the areas of economic development challenges of landlocked developing countries and help with daily operational aspects of the office.

This one-year work opportunity will provide not only experience from culturally different environment but also plenty of work related experience and learning opportunity for future development and career of Ms. Caletková.

Additionally, she will bring the multicultural aspect to the team, her educational background and previous experiences of the Czech economy which is also a landlocked country.

The UNDP and the Government of Mongolia signed a project document in 2014 on implementing joint project to provide assistance to landlocked developing countries. The project is a part of an agreement to cooperate in the operationalization of the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries in Ulaanbaatar. Its goal is to produce and disseminate research and studies on trade related topics, aid-for-trade, transport and transit, promote cooperation between landlocked developing countries, establish continual relationship with international organisations, including the United Nations system and development partners, as for example the Czech Government.