International Think Tank kindly inviting LLDCs to the UN Treaty Event 2016

Sep 5, 2016 | 2:59 pm

International Think Tank for LLDCs kindly inviting LLDCs to the UN Treaty Event 2016

UN Treaty Event is on 19-23 September 2016 in New York, USA. Landlocked Developing Countries can take a fast-track to ratification by that date, as the Multilateral Agreement for the Establishment of the ITT is the first treaty highlighted in the Trade and Transport section that is close to universal ratification.

Treaty Event’s concept is based on the Secretary-General’s Millennium report (A/54/2000) to the General Assembly where he stated the need to provide “special facilities for the Heads of States or Government to add their signatures to any treaty or convention of which the Secretary-General is the depository”.

The practice of the event is during the General Debate of each session of the General Assembly, the Heads of State or Government or Foreign Ministers or other duly authorized state representatives have made use of this unique opportunity to express support for the multilateral treaty framework and the rule of law.


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