INTERNATIONAL THINK TANK FOR LLDCs research team working in Baku, Azerbaijan #5

Feb 22, 2017 | 5:06 pm

Today ITT for LLDCs Research team met with Mr.Farid Jafarov Director of Department for International Cooperation of the former Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

By the executive order of the President of Republic of Azerbaijan, signed on February 13th, this Ministry was merged with the Ministry of Transport.

Ms.Aysel Garibzde, Adviser of the Department for International Cooperation made a presentation on TASIM Project initiated by the Government of Azerbaijan.

This project is aiming to connect Eurasian countries with the high speed fiber-optic data transmission line in Frankfurt and Hong-Kong.

Another presentation was introduced to the research team of ITT for LLDCs was on ICT Development in Azerbaijan.

Research team members Dr. BARNEY TAN and Mr. SANSAR SOSORBARAM M.A. have asked questions about about details of TASIM Project, ongoing ICT projects in Azerbaijan and in the region.



From left:
DR. BARNEY TAN | Senior Lecturer
Business Information Systems | The University of Sydney Business School,
Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs

MR. FARID JAFAROV, Director of Department of International Cooperation of the former Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

MR.SANSAR SOSORBARAM: Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, Desk officer for Azerbaijan.

MS.AYSEL GARIBZADE, Adviser of Department of International Cooperation of the former Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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