International Think Tank for LLDCs and University of Wollongong sign MOU

Sep 6, 2016 | 2:02 pm

International Think Tank for LLDCs and University of Wollongong sign MOU

September 6, 2016
10 AM
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on mutually beneficial cooperation with the University of Wollongong, Australia.

Both sides started negotiations back in July 2015 in Wollongong, Australia and finalized the MOU early 2016.

After the Signing ceremony both sides held a meeting and agreed on further collaboration in the near future.

In particular both sides exchanged views on potential cooperation models such as capacity building activities joint research projects, exchange of knowledge and exchange of already existing research materials as well as sending and receiving visiting scholars, researchers and fellows…and more.


From left: Assoc. Professor Dr.Ed Wilson, University of Wollongong and Mr.Erdenetsogt Odbayar M.A, Interim Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs


From left: Assoc. Professor Dr.Ed Wilson University of Wollongong, Dr. Kankesu, Dr. Reetu, Mr. Erdenetsogt Odbayar M.A, Interim Director of the ITT for LLDCs and Mr.  Damdin-Od Dulguun, Research Coordinator of the ITT for LLDCs.
