International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries organized an Information sharing event for the Ambassadors of Landlocked Developing Countries in Beijing

Jul 18, 2017 | 9:02 am

On July 6, 2017 the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries organized an Information sharing event for the Ambassadors of Landlocked Developing Countries in Beijing with the kind support of the Embassy of Mongolia to the People`s Republic of China

Invited Ambassadors and Charge d`Affair`s of Landlocked Developing Countries actively participated in this event.

In his opening speech H.E. D.Gankhuyag, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the PRC underlined the importance of the International Think for Landlocked Developing Countries, expressed appreciation to the countries acceded recently to the Multilateral agreement for the establishment of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries and called on countries that have not yet become party to this Multilateral agreement to do so in the nearest future.

Her Excellency Winnie Natala Chibesakunda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Zambia to Mongolia held an opening speech representing the Chair Country of the Group of LLDCs at the UN.

In her speech Ambassador Chibesakunda expressed her appreciation to the Government of Mongolia and noted that Mongolia is constantly demonstrating its leadership in the Group of LLDCs and the latest demonstration of this leadership was the establishment and operation of the ITT for LLDCs including its continious support to the activities of the think tank. H.E. Chibesakunda underlined the importance of accession of LLDCs to the Multilateral agreement on the establishment of an International Think Tank for LLDCs

Ambassador-at-Large and Interim director of the ITT for LLDCs Mr.Erdenetsogt Odbayar informed the guests on recent activities of the International Think Tank and answered questions raised by participants. During this event H.E. Erdenetsogt Odbayar introduced 6 research publications of the ITT for LLDCs and hard copies of publications were provided to LLDCs.

Furthermore, a photo exhibition on the history and the achievements of the International think tank for LLDCs was opened to the LLDC Ambassadors.