Sep 14, 2016 | 10:31 am


The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries officials are holding bilateral meetings with heads of diplomatic missions of LLDCs in Beijing, PRC.

This visit is being organized within the framework of the preparation of International Think Tank’s participation in the 71st session of the UN General Assembly as well as the 15th Meeting of Foreign Ministers of LLDCs in New York.

On September 13, 2016 the Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia H.E. Seyoum Mesfin and the Minister Counsellor I Afework Shimelis Legesse received Interim Director E.Odbayar and Ethiopia Desk officer Mr. S.Sansar of the International Think Tank for LLDCs.

During this meeting the above mentioned officials discussed the accession of Ethiopia to the Multilateral Agreement for establishment of International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries.

Furthermore Mr. E.Odbayar briefed H.E. the Ambassador on the unique opportunity to sign this Multilateral Agreement during the Treaty Event, which will take place on the sidelines of the 71st session of the UNGA as well as other topics of mutual interest.

Photo: from left
Ethiopia Desk officer Mr. S.Sansar, International Think Tank for LLDCs,
Interim Director E.Odbayar, International Think Tank for LLDCs, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia H.E. Seyoum Mesfin and the Minister Counsellor I Afework Shimelis Legesse