High Level Forum of Land Locked Developing Countries was held in New York, on September 28, 2015.

Oct 7, 2015 | 8:50 am

A High Level Forum of Land Locked Developing Countries was convened in New York, on September 28,  2015.

Under the theme “Linking Landlocked Developing Countries into Global Opportunities”, the forum brought together Heads of States and Government of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) to renew their commitment to implement the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) and as well as the newly approved Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The High Level Forum of LLDCs was opened with a welcoming speeches by H.E Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia and Chair of the Group of LLDCs and H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Other landlocked developing countries, including Tajikistan, Malawi, Nepal, Bhutan, Botswana, Lesotho, Laos PDR participated at the level of heads of state and Government and delivered statements respectively on their pressing issues, further actions and opportunities for partnerships.

Participants highlighted the linkages between implementation of the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the VPoA, calling on the international community to provide adequate support for implementing the VPoA. The meeting also explored ways to mobilize and strengthen partnerships for implementing the VPoA and the SDGs.

At the conference, President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj made a statement and insisted that the partnership, support and cooperation between LLDCs are crucial to the effective and successful implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action.

The VPoA is a 10 year (2014 to 2024) action-plan which defines the area of concern of all LLDCs. It was adopted at the Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries, on November 3-5, 2014.

The President of Mongolia has also highlighted the importance of the International Think Tank for LLDCs by underlining that the idea of having our own think tank became an initiative designed to enhance the analytical capability of LLDCs in coordinating and substantiating efforts to pool the best minds and mobilize targeted resources from the donor community to successfully implement VPoA and achieve the SDGs. President Ts.Elbegdorj concluded his speech by calling on the remaining fellow members of the group to become a party to the Multilateral agreement on the establishment of an International Think Tank for LLDCs with a view to fully operationalize the activities of the International Think Tank.

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