The overall goal of the International Think Tank is to use top-quality research and advocacy to improve the ability of landlocked developing countries to build capacity with a view to benefiting from the international trade including WTO negotiations, with the ultimate aim of raising human development and reducing poverty.

The International Think Tank shall pursue the following activities in order to reach its goals:

  • Producing and disseminating research and studies on trade-relatedtopics, aid-for-trade, transport and transit, as well as databases on issuesof interest to landlocked developing countries;
  • Promoting cooperation between landlocked developing countries with a view to strengthening their analytical capacity in key areas of transit transport, infrastructure investment, aid and trade facilitation, trade negotiations, poverty reduction and economic growth;
  • Sharing information, networking with a view to coming up with a better understanding of challenges facing landlocked developing countries;
  • Contributing to the formulation of strategies and policies aimed at the effective implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action through analytical studies and research on key issues;
  • Fostering convergent views and approaches among landlocked developing countries with respect to global economic issues of interest to landlocked developing countries, such as effects of the global economic and financial crisis, climate change and food security;
  • Establishing continual relationships with international organizations, including the United Nations system, and development partners, with a view to mobilizing awareness of special needs of landlocked developing countries and financial and technical resources for the implementation of identified studies and research;
  • Making available to all landlocked developing countries, development partners and other partner research institutions, publications, research results and studies for the use and benefit of landlocked developing countries.

Contact itlldc

Email: thinktank@land-locked.org

Tel: +976-11-351971

Fax: +976 11 322127

visit ittlldc headquarters

UN House

United Nations Street-14

Sukhbaatar district

Ulaanbaatar 14201


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