Further Networking the International Think Tank #6

Jul 10, 2015 | 9:56 pm

July 10, 2015 Adelaide, SA, Australia

Networking meetings continue at the University of Adelaide.

The Interim Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs Mr.Erdenetsogt Odbayar M.A. just held a meeting with Mr. David Morfesi, Executive Director of the Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide http://eduaidguru.com/blog.html.

Univeristy of Adelaide agreed to send an official proposal to the ITT for LLDCs on the activities, which could be covered by the MoU.



From left: Mr. David Morfesi, Executive Director of the Institute for International Trade, The Interim Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs Mr.Erdenetsogt Odbayar M.A.