July 7, 2015 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
The Interim Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs Mr. Erdenetsogt OdbayarM.A, held meetings with the University of Wollongong and discussed different options of relations and cooperation between the Wollongong Unniversity and the ITT for LLDCs.
In particular both sides exchanged views on a mutually benefitial cooperation such as capacity building measures, joint research projects, exchange of knowledge and exchange of already existing research materials as well as sending and receiving visiting scholars, researchers and fellows.
Just like ITT for LLDCs the #University of Wollongong is an Institutional member of the #UNESCAP ARTNeT and both organizations are encouraged by ESCAP to collaborate in areas of mutual int interest.
Photo 1:From left , Assoc. Professor Dr.Ed Wilson Economics Discipline, University of Wollongong, Mr. Erdenetsogt OdbayarM.A, Interim Director of the International Think Tank for LLDCs.