Botswana (as Chair of the Group of LLDCs), the UN-OHRLLS and the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) jointly organized the LLDC dedicated session during the WTO Public Forum under the theme “Enhancing integration of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) into global trade for sustainable covid-19 recovery: The role of digital technology” on September 29, 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The objective of this session was to discuss policy options for addressing LLDCs challenges and how LLDCs can leverage digital technologies to enhance structural transformation and their integration into trade and for inclusive recovery.
The session also discussed policy options to address LLDCs ICT connectivity issues and the digital divide and how LLDCs can leverage digital technologies to enhance their integration into trade and achieve structural transformation for inclusive recovery.
As finding solutions to deepening of ICT connectivity will contribute towards a sustainable and inclusive recovery in LLDCs, ITTLLDC Executive Director Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od took this opportunity to speak on the challenges LLDCs face daily in their efforts to leverage digital technologies to enhance their trade capacity.The meeting was attended by representatives from LLDCs, development partners, UN organizations and other relevant international and regional organizations as well as the private sector and academia.
WTO public forum 2022 WTO public forum 2022 WTO public forum 2022 WTO public forum 2022