On October 28, 2022 Mr. Dulguun Damdin-Od, Executive Director of the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC), had a brief courtesy meeting with Mr. Lin Mingxin, Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Mongolia.
As this is ITTLLDC’s first visit to the Chinese Embassy the Executive Director seized the occasion by introducing the mission and activities of the ITTLLDC to Mr. Mingxin, who in turn talked about his own experiences with landlocked developing countries.
The two parties discussed the possibilities of mutually beneficial collaboration, including possible support on conducting research and organizing capacity building/training workshops on various subjects of interest to both parties, such as transit/transport issues and the Belt and Road Initiative.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Dulguun handed over some of the ITTLLDC research publications that’s on print for the embassy’s perusal, while Mr. Mingxin thanked the Executive Director for the information exchange and the informative visit.