Ambassador-at-Large and Interim Director of the INTERNATIONAL THINK TANK FOR LANDLOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Mr. E.Odbayar is working in Geneva, Switzerland, holding bilateral meetings with Permanent Representatives of Landlocked Developing Countries and UN officials.

Mar 27, 2017 | 10:49 am

Meeting #1: Ambassador-at-Large Erdenetsogt Odbayar met with Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan, H.E.Ambassador Atageldi Haljanov in Geneva.

MR. E.Odbayar briefed H.E.Atageldi Haljanov on latest activities of the ITT for LLDCs, upcoming publications including ongoing research Projects implemented in association with the University of Sydney for LLDCs and handed copies of the letters sent by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan calling on the Republic of Turkmenistan to accede to the Multilateral agreement for establishment of the International think tank for Landlocked developing countries.

Mr. E. Odbayar also thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan for inviting International Think Tank for LLDCs officials to Ashgabat for consultations.

Both sides also discussed time and agenda of the upcoming visit of the ITT for LLDCs officials to Turkmenistan.

