INTERNATIONAL THINK TANK FOR LLDCs research team working in Baku, Azerbaijan #6

Feb 22, 2017 | 5:08 pm

February 22, ITT for LLDCs Research team visited the Satellite Control Center of Republic of Azerbaijan and met with Director of Satellite and Ground-based Systems Department of AzrCosmos, Mr.Dunay Badirkhanov.

Mr.Dunay Badirkhanov briefed us on both history, present and future operations of the Satellite Control Center and has guided the ITT for LLDC team through its compund.



From left:
MR. SANSAR SOSORBARAM, Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, Desk officer for Azerbaijan.

MR. DUNAY BADIRKHANOV, Director of the Satellite and Ground-based Systems Department of AzerCosmos.

DR. BARNEY TAN | Senior Lecturer
Business Information Systems | The University of Sydney Business School,
Researcher of the International Think Tank for LLDCs

MR. NICAT MIKAYILOV, Leading Specialist of the Transport Policy and Economic Department of the former Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan


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