The Handbook for Negotiators is now available to all ARTNET member institutions

Feb 26, 2016 | 10:06 am

The Handbook for Negotiators is now available to all ARTNET member institutions across Asia Pacific.

International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT for LLDCs) became an Institutional member of UN-ESCAP-ARTNeT on November 2014, and as a committed member of UN-ESCAP -ARTNeT, we have contributed our latest publication, “Multilateral trade agreements and LLDCs: Handbook for Negotiators and Practitioners” to the UN-ESCAP-ARTNeT.

We are pleased to inform everyone that our handbook is now officially being featured on the February issue of ARTNeT’s newsletter.

Link of Newsletter:

The ARTNeT’s newsletter is distributed electronically to ARTNeT’s members and other UN and international development organizations, media and other stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region.

ARTNeT in brief
The Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) is an open regional network composed of leading trade research institutions and think-tanks across the Asia-Pacific region. It was established by UNESCAP in 2004 with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.