About ITT

Organizational Chart of the Secretariat of the ITTLLDC


Members of the Board of Governors 

List of Governors of the ITTLLDC Board

ITT Secretariat Staff members

Contact: Tel: +976 11 351971, E-mail: thinktank@land-locked.org,

1. Dulguun Damdin-Od (Executive Director)

2. Director of Operation

In charge of overall Research activity, Internal Administration, Researchers, Fellows, Volunteers, Interns.

Focal point for African and European LLDCs /Botswana, Chad, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Republic Of Moldova, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia/, UN-OHRLLS, EBRD, KOICA.

3. Enkhtuul Jantsankhorol (Administrative Officer/Researcher)

In charge of Administration duties, Translation, Logistics,

Focal point for Asian and European LLDCs /Lao PDR, Nepal, Bhutan, Moldova, North Macedonia/, UNESCAP, ARTNeT,

4. Enkhzul Gonchigzeveg (Administrative Officer/Researcher)

In charge of Administration duties, Translation, Logistics,

Focal point for Central Asian and European LLDCs /Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan/,

5. Oyunchimeg Tseden-Ish (Administrative and Finance Officer)

In charge of Administration and Accounting, Finance, Recruitment, Procurement, Logistics,

Focal point for African LLDCs /Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mali, Malawi/, WCO, GTI, World Bank,

6. Sodbolor Enkhsaikhan (Executive Assistant to the Executive Director/Researcher)

In charge of Internal Administration, Liaison, Translation, Logistics.

Focal point for Japan, South East Asian and South American LLDCs /Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal, Bhutan, Bolivia, Paraguay, Afghanistan, /Mongolian Chamber of Commerce, JICA, JETRO, ERINA, ERIA and ADB,

Contact itlldc

Email: thinktank@land-locked.org

Tel: +976-11-351971

Fax: +976 11 322127

visit ittlldc headquarters

UN House

United Nations Street-14

Sukhbaatar district

Ulaanbaatar 14201


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